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Red Lantern

Ten Lamps Forum
Rules of the Road

  1. Always be respectful of others. Consideration, empathy, and sensitivity count.

  2. Remember that myths, folktales, and other kinds of folklore are inherently polyvocal: they summon different perspectives, understandings, and points of view. No single fixed meaning, however precious it might be to you, does these tales justice. That is part of their richness.

  3. Don't monopolize a conversation with an unwelcome volley of posts. Don't rant, don't push your belief system, and don't use the forum for therapy. Instead, participate as a partner in lively discussion with other voices.

  4. Be mindful of how any interpretive comments land with other people. Keep those kind of comments tentative, and be thoughtful about any cultural issues involved.

  5. If you get into a back-and-forth with someone, kindly take it out of the Forum.

  6. You are welcome to tell other participants about a service you sell that is legal, non-violent, and relevant to the discussion so long as you don't overuse this privilege.

  7. Report inappropriate comments to the facilitator. Anyone reenacting the folkloric presence of the troll will be exiled without warning to a far-off realm.

  8. Feel free to network, share resources, bring humor, invite new participants, and try out new ideas.

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