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Who says introverts don't like to speak in public? 


It's important to me to keep bridging the gap between higher ed and the world we all actually live in. I do this with in-person and online slideshows, webinars, speeches, interviews, classes, training sessions, and any way I can think of to bring you "the deep stuff" I've had the privilege to study and write about. 

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Recent Presentations

Speaking and Workshop


"Mythopoetics of Enchantment: Fiction and Imagination for Lasting Change" presented to the International Society of Mythology (June 25th, 2024).


"Archetypes of Planet and Place" presentation to the Cambridge Jungian Circle (November 15, 2023). 


"Restorying Leadership" keynote presentation to the Teton Leadership Center (September 23, 2023).


"The Hero's Journey: Ordeal," presented to Modern Day Riflemen and Jumpstart Mastery (September 13, 2023).


"Reading the World: Eco Knowing through Imagination, Story, and Folklore," presentation and interview with the Canadian Ecopsychology Network (March 15, 2023). 


Terrapsychology Inquiry training for the Technological University of the Shannon (March 7, 2023). 


Ecotherapy and ecoanxiety interview with Craig Chalquist and Linda Buzzell, hosted by Mind Body Training Institute (August 17, 2022).


"Terragnosis: Yesterday's Folklore, Today's Earthly Wisdom," keynote presentation to the Fates & Graces Mythologium (July 30, 2022).


"Narcissism": eight online classes for managing it, sponsored by Jung Platform (April-June 2022).


“Storied Nature: When Myths Heal the Split Between Us and Everything Else,” presentation to the Fates & Graces Mythologium (July 31, 2021).


“When Outside is Inside: Terrapsychological Inquiry,” presentation for the Graduate Theological Union conference Visions for a Viable Future: Sustainable Societies (March 19, 2021).


“Essential Reconnection with Deeper Self and Earth,” The Poetry of Predicament Podcast (April 15, 2020).

Forum: Banerji, D., & Chalquist, C. (2020). “End of Days or End of Daze?” PCC Forum (April 9, 2020).


Daylong Workshop: “Exploring Dreams and the World Inside You,” CIIS Public Programs (February 29, 2020).


“From Eco-Anxiety to Ecoresilience: A Big Ideas Talk” at the California Institute of Integral Studies (3/17/20).


“Exploring Dreams and the World Inside You” public programs workshop at the California Institute of Integral Studies (2/29/20).


“Storytelling Beyond the Hero” workshop at Santa Barbara City College for the 12th annual Nonviolent Communication Conference (2019).


“The Healing Wisdom of Nature,” presentation at Wildling Museum, Solvang, CA (2018).


“Storytelling Nature Myths: A Project of Reenchantment,” presentation at OPUS Archives for the Joseph Campbell Foundation Mythological RoundTable, Santa Barbara, CA (2018).


“Enchantivism: Story, Myth, and Image for Action in the World,” presentation for the conference Emerging (Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies), Portland, Oregon (2018).


“A Folklore of Hope: Storytelling for Reenchanting the World,” keynote for the conference The Anthropocene and Beyond, Shue Yan University, Hong Kong (2018).


“Enchantivism: Transmutation through Inspiration,” a four-session online/in-person workshop (Pacifica Graduate Institute, October 2017).


“Storytelling Eco-advocacy” presented to students of Royal Roads University (Victoria, BC August 2016).


“Earthrise in the Heart,” presented at the conference Seizing an Alternative: Toward an Ecological Civilization, Pomona College (June 2015).


“Our Aphroditic Cosmos: Joining Science and Myth,” keynote at the invitation of Brian Swimme for the Cosmology and Love Conference (San Francisco, April 2015).


“All the Stage is a World: Performing the Landscapes Performing Us,” keynote, North American Drama Therapy Association 35th Annual Conference (October 2014).


“From Violence to Peace: The Inside Story,” presentation to Highground Hackers (San Francisco, December 2013) with Dr. George Mohler, District Attorney George Gascón, and Mayor Ed Lee.


Other presentation venues: Sonoma State, California Institute of Integral Studies, Schumacher College, Santa Rosa Community College, JFK University, Prescott College, Columbia School of Business (Bay Area), Sun Gallery, NY Open Center, Institute of Noetic Sciences, KWMR Radio, WEAA Radio, University of Guelph Radio, Holos Institute, Center for the Healing Arts, International Society for the Study of Dreams, Joseph Campbell Society (Sacramento), Jung Institute of Los Angeles, Jung Society of the Triangle.


Recent Interviews


“It’s Hard To Think About Climate Change During A Pandemic. Here’s How To Stay Engaged,” NPR, Laura Klivans interview (April 22, 2020).


“Essential Reconnection with Deeper Self and Earth,” The Poetry of Predicament Podcast (April 15, 2020).


Interview: “Californians Turning to Meditation and Mindfulness (Even More than Usual)” KQED News (April 10, 2020).


Interviewed by KQED for their article “Climate Change Despair is Real. Here is How You Fight It” (10/1/2019).


Interviewed for Time Magazine article “A Prescription You Can’t Fill at the Pharmacy” by Jamie Ducharme (2018).


Interview about Immanence Journal by the Joseph Campbell Foundation (2018).


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