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Writer's pictureCraig Chalquist

Carrying Light in Dark Times: Resources for Lamplighters

Updated: 1 hour ago

Posted by Craig Chalquist, PhD, PhD

This blog contains resources for people who want to bring light to the world by encouraging fresh stories, visions, and ideas for how things could be. Nuts-and-bolts planning and implementation matter, but imaginings that guide and inspire come first. These are largely neglected, just as “soft” skills like emotional intelligence and creative problem-solving were long ignored in the workplace. Now these skills are in high demand.

I also second Abraham Maslow’s observation that human nature tends to be sold short. We hear mainly about what’s wrong and shadowy. Oppressive institutions fatten on the faithless notion that everybody must be watched and controlled at all times. Two crucial truths are suppressed: that most of the world’s worst crises are the direct and often predictable consequences of psychological immaturity from the top down; and that overcoming immaturities produces wise, balanced, and insightful people.

In other words, what’s missing is a deep and visionary whole-person wisdom that welcomes back what has been excluded from culture and consciousness. Where are the worldview therapists, depth practitioners, and enchantivists who challenge constricted guiding stories, foster new possibilities, and nourish the souls of their communities?

I call such people “lamplighters.” This blog is to support their work in the world, including their contributions toward a new, inclusive, and Earth-honoring worldview.


The road must be trod, but it will be very hard. And neither strength nor wisdom will carry us far upon it. This quest may be attempted by the weak with as much hope as the strong. Yet such is oft the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world: small hands do them because they must, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere.
–Elrond, in The Fellowship of the Ring
Stories can be so healing; art is so healing; and I think that when you have a story that shows a picture of a utopian future…I think that having a vision of it can help you actualize it.
–Sonequa Martin-Green, CBS interview 9/7/17

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